

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Leaving 2020 Behind With Beautiful Music

Ooo oo, remember when it rained...

I felt the ground and looked up high and called your name...

Ooo oo, remember when it rained...

In the darkness I remain...

Friday, December 25, 2020

Let My Heart Be Still For It is Beautiful Christmas

Slow down. Rest your soul. Let it all go. Be silent. Listen. Let your heart be full for it is beautiful Christmas Day; the day of the birth of our precious Lord. The one and only true gift sent to us from almighty God above through immaculate conception for our salvation from eternal damnation at the inevitable time that our bodies separate from our souls. May God bless you, yours and the dearly departed on this high holy day.
Jacqueline Sebiane 

Ownership Statement: The written content of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane which is deemed and construed to be original is the sole and exclusive property of the author, Jacqueline Sebiane.  All right, title and interest in and to the intellectual property rights of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane shall vest solely in the author.  Any unauthorized use or duplication of the written content of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane, or any portion thereof, is expressly prohibited.  

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Hope On The Horizon

Let's do what we have to do not to get back to where we were for that is what got us where we are. Let's move forward to a place where we are better than where we were with a new awareness. I never understood why people, in general, did not practice good personal hygiene and businesses, in particular, did not practice safe sanitation practices. Grocery shopping carts are so nasty; a petri dish of bacteria. For years I use to travel by airplane quite frequently and I always carried a mini can of Lysol and a baby bottle of Purell Hand Sanitizer in my purse. Each morning at work I would wipe down the door knob to my office, my computer keyboard, my desk and my telephone hand set. In public, I have always been cautious about frequently touched surfaces and asked people who made me food to use gloves and to change their gloves. At church when it was time to either greet people in the pews or say "peace be with you" with a hand shake, I never extended my hand but rather put my hands together using eye contact and orating "peace" to avoid the vector of the hand to hand contact. I have always kept a safe personal distance from others, when possible, and expected those in close proximity of me to reciprocate. Did people get pissy about my personal practices? Sure they did. Did I give a damn? No I did not. I was keeping myself safe; I was ahead of the times we are now living in. And some of the people who scoffed at my "germaphobia" were suddenly singing my praises. So moving forward, let's do what we have to do to keep ourselves and others safe. I think it is normal to be reasonably skeptical about any COVID-19 vaccine. After all, this is a risk vs. risk decision we are faced with. Do we stay unprotected and risk getting the virus which can be extremely detrimental to our bodies and even deadly? Or, do we get injected with a new vaccine with possible deleterious effects as of yet unknown. The COVID tests, processing labs and makers of the vaccine are, after all, money making machines as a result of this pandemic. That alone makes you leery. And the panic aspect of the pandemic is the fan that fuels the flames. I am, nevertheless, very grateful for the scientists and pharmaceutical companies that have provided us with a lifeline and the option as to whether or not to get vaccinated. So, keep in mind that the mandates that have been imposed on us (i.e., wearing a mask like a muzzled dog that significantly and unhealthily restricts our breathing and the unrealistic expectation of not being around any people in a world full of people) cannot be sustained long term. Let's follow the rules as long as reasonably practicable and let's use some common sense. Aren't you sick of hearing about the "virus" from morning to night day in and day out for so, so long? I am over it. So let's do this. Be well and God bless.

Ownership Statement: The written content of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane which is deemed and construed to be original is the sole and exclusive property of the author, Jacqueline Sebiane.  All right, title and interest in and to the intellectual property rights of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane shall vest solely in the author.  Any unauthorized use or duplication of the written content of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane, or any portion thereof, is expressly prohibited.

Friday, December 4, 2020

My Love For The Military

My beloved late father Efrain was a sergeant of the military police in the Latin American Armed Forces. My dad was my hero; my everything. As a little girl, I adored him and I believe that is where my love for and interest in the military started. 

Monday, November 23, 2020

Evidence For The LAPD Directly From LAPD Sgt. Joel Sydanmaa's Social Media


Once again after seeing a large volume of traffic to a blog posting I published about LAPD Sergeant Joel Sydanmaa  https://jacqibone.blogspot.com/2016/07/lapd-sergeant-joel-sydanmaa-on-job.html [including a related posting https://jacqibone.blogspot.com/2020/09/i-believe-in-karma-lapd-sgt-joel.htmlI learned that the LAPD is finally starting to pay attention to certain information I have relentlessly been trying to get the LAPD to take action on. Some of my strongest personality traits are honesty, integrity, strength and courage to fight against things that are not right; including police misconduct.

Above is a photo (i.e., photographic evidence) of LAPD Sergeant Joel Sydanmaa that he posted to his social media in or about the date of June 25, 2016 obviously misusing his position as an LAPD officer for his own personal aggrandizement. The image of him in the photo might be impressive if he were a Cirque du Soleil performer but he is not. He is being paid very handsomely to protect and serve. The question remains whether or not he was on duty when he had this photo taken and who was behind the camera taking the photo. Was it a fellow LAPD officer also on duty collaboratively violating relevant policies of the LAPD Department Manual and misappropriating city time on tax payer dollars? Or did LAPD Sgt. Joel Sydanmaa misuse the uniform of the LAPD on his personal time?  I have, on a firsthand basis, witnessed the misconduct and dereliction of duty of LAPD Sgt. Joel Sydanmaa who, in my opinion, needs to turn in his badge. We are not stuck with him as he so arrogantly states in his social media posting of July 12, 2016. His dereliction of duty in September of 2015 ultimately contributed to the hastening of my father's death. I am awaiting the LAPD to contact me on that matter for which I will give testimony as against Sydanmaa in prospective administrative and legal proceedings; including the lawsuit Sydanmaa has recently filed against the LAPD on November 16, 2020 for disciplinary action taken against him for improper social media posts. 


And this may or may not be a bombshell to the commanding staff at the LAPD. On July 15, 2016, I submitted this photographic evidence of Sydanmaa to Captain Brian Thomas and informed him that Sydanmaa was publishing inappropriate social media postings. My email to Captain Thomas reads, in pertinent part, "Second, I would like to bring Sgt. Joel Sydanma’s social media postings to the attention of the LAPD; some of which are in violation of the LAPD’s policies as delineated in the Department Manual and many of which may have a negative effect on the already volatile community relations. I wrote about one of Sydanmaa's postings on my blog being viewed globally: http://jacqibone.blogspot.com/2016/07/lapd-sergeant-joel-sydanmaa-on-job.html. I have also attached an inappropriate photo Sgt. Sydanmaa posted on social media in violation of the Department Manual's policy regarding use of the LAPD’s uniform."

LAPD Sgt. Joel Sydanmaa underestimated my intelligence in his interactions with me when he grossly violated my rights and those of my father who is now a decedent as a consequence of Sydanmaa's willful dereliction of duty. Civilian "detective style" investigator Jacqueline Sebiane on the case.  

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Taking Care Of Our Parents And The Elderly

This is a sweet reminder from the beautiful Rachel McLish to be strong for the weak; especially our parents and the elderly who get progressively more fragile with time.

I come from a very broken, dysfunctional family. I don’t mind sharing my story if it helps people in the same or similar situation. Out of numerous adults, I am the only one who selflessly takes care of my elderly mother who has significant mobility and health issues. I have made many personal sacrifices to do this and it is not a glamourous job but I do it with great honor. And just like the superhero vigilante crime fighter Superman, I have taken many bullets to the chest, metaphorically speaking, and used my superpowers to protect my mother; including her assets that were aggressively illegally pursued prior to and upon my father’s untimely death. And most of those bullets came from unsavory, downtrodden family members with ulterior motives of jealousy, hatred, greed and revenge.

So, if you are blessed enough to have an elder in your life (i.e., father, mother, paternal or maternal grandparents or great grandparents), please do what you can to take care of them and help them. They need you in more ways that you can imagine.

Jacqueline Sebiane

Saturday, November 14, 2020






Saturday, November 7, 2020

Body Of Work

If you just want a better body or want to become a professional bodybuilder or better professional bodybuilder, you can truly be motivated by my exceptional friend Samir Bannout. His body of work speaks for itself.

√  Self-Confidence
√  Strong Mental Focus 
√  Lean Muscle Mass
√  Definition
√  Striations
√  Vascularity

Jacqueline Sebiane   

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Love And Support For The Men And Women Of Law Enforcement

Let us not forget the critical role that law enforcement plays in keeping us all safe and secure. Let us not stereotype all cops but rather work for the common good of all which starts with honor and respect for each individual police officer who makes so many personal sacrifices to protect and serve. Sending out positive vibes to the Torrance Police Department and all law enforcement agencies doing the best they can with the resources available in very trying times; including the overwhelming anti-police sentiments currently prevalent in society. As the sister and victim of a rogue LAPD officer, I know both sides of this coin yet I believe in the greater good of humanity. We will get through this and we will persevere.

Jacqueline Sebiane

Here's To My Bodybuilder Family And The Irreplaceable Times In Venice, CA USA


Thanks for sharing this photo Tonya. And you know I love you Lee!

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

On Behalf Of Those In The Depths Of Despair

This one goes out on behalf of those in the depths of despair: the terminally ill, the seriously ill, the mentally ill, the mentally handicapped, those in addiction, the suicidal, the dying, the lonely, the elderly, paraplegics, quadriplegics, amputees, those confined to their beds, those confined to wheelchairs, those in bereavement, the indigent, the disenfranchised, the incarcerated, victims of physical abuse, victims of emotional abuse, victims of rape, victims of child abuse, victims of molestation, victims of bullying, the hungry, the homeless, the jobless, the voiceless, the hopeless, the misunderstood…

If you are living your best life, make it a part of your God-given journey to extend yourself in service to someone who is not. 

Jacqueline Sebiane

Ownership Statement: The written content of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane which is deemed and construed to be original is the sole and exclusive property of the author, Jacqueline Sebiane.  All right, title and interest in and to the intellectual property rights of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane shall vest solely in the author.  Any unauthorized use or duplication of the written content of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane, or any portion thereof, is expressly prohibited.  

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

I Believe In Karma LAPD Sgt. Joel Sydanmaa

Today is September 9th; a day I will never forget. For on this day a pivotal moment in my life tragically occurred. It was September 9, 2015 on a boiling hot morning that I found my beloved father in severe distress. The house was eerily silent and following my gut I went to check on him. There he laid on the bed dripping in sweat, unable to talk, unable to get up, with one side of his face drooping. I will never forget the fear in his eyes as he looked at me and silently lifted his hand and pointed to his head to signal to me that something had happened in his brain. This was it; the big emergency moment that no one is ready for. I frantically called 9-1-1 in a shear panic and the next few hours were a blur. I remember the emergency room neurologist holding up an image of an MRI of my father's brain and, while looking me in the eye, telling me that my father had experienced a life changing event. He was paralyzed, unable to talk and unable to eat or drink. He was the victim of a severe ischemic stroke and the victim, I would later learn, of foul play by an estranged family member, Lisbeth "Liz" Sebiane, https://jacqibone.blogspot.com/2019/06/elder-abuse-alert-lisbeth-liz-sebiane.html who had been secretly and methodically planning his demise for her financial gain and that of her daughter Dyeana Bermudez who goes by the alias Dyeana Seviane to conceal her identity from certain governmental entities to illegally collect benefits. To this day Lisbeth "Liz" Sebiane remains at large hiding in plain sight in Upland, CA due to the negligence of numerous law enforcement agencies and personnel; including Sgt. Joel Sydanmaa of the LAPD.

In September of 2015 my brother Frank J. Seviane (then an LAPD officer; Serial No. 32809) decided to go ballistic on a Securitas security officer who I had asked to escort me to my father's hospital room to protect me from my brother Frank and my estranged sibling Liz who were engaging in suspicious behavior with respect to my invalent father. The instant Frank saw the security officer he went into a tirade disturbing the peace on the hospital ward with no regard for my gravely ill father or the other seriously ill patients nearby. He was shouting in the security officer's face "are you kidding me?" while shoving his police officer's ID in the security officer's face to intimidate him. Knowing my brother's out-of-control temper and his propensity to escalate (which I repeatedly reported to the LAPD over the years), I told the security guard that we needed to leave and we quickly did placing a call to the LAPD Harbor Division for police assistance. Unfortunately my brother had worked out of Harbor Division where he had forged tight knit relationships. When the cops arrived (i.e., Sgt. Joel Sydanmaa and two of his subordinates) Frank (aka LAPD Officer Seviane) was immediately given special treatment and I was muted on all points by a very unethical Sgt. Joel Sydanmaa despite me being the citizen who placed the call to the LAPD for assistance. Sgt. Joel Sydanmaa was close to being off shift for that day and, as I would later learn on his social media, was harboring very ill will towards the public that he gets paid very well to serve. Sgt. Joel Sydanmaa failed to do his job that day in a total disregard for my invalent father who laid paralyzed with a traumatic brain injury and in a total violation of my rights. And stories such as these are why society as a whole is currently expressing very intense anti-police sentiments.

The details of this story are very disturbing and I will disclose those details in another posting. For purposes of this posting, however, I am going to get back to the day of September 9th for this is the day, exactly one year later on September 9, 2016 that LAPD Sgt. Joel Sydanmaa was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. I found out by coincidence when I noticed very high traffic to a posting I had written about Sgt. Joel Sydanmaa...


I have always believed in karma but this blew me away. It is the day, September 9th, that gave me the chills when I read the story of LAPD Sgt. Joel Sydanmaa on his GOFUNDME page which I have posted below:


Hi, my name is Jeff and my big brother Joel is a Los Angeles police sergeant. I'm writing to ask for your help, because he never would. In fact, he's used his very popular social media platform (@la_5_o on Instagram) to raise funds for others during his own time of need. That's just the kind of person he is.

On September 9, 2016 my brother was diagnosed with Stage 4a, metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of a cervical lymph node with a tonsillar primary origin. It's serious cancer, but thankfully, at this time, it's treatable.

Tomorrow Joel starts a course of weekly chemotherapy in conjunction with daily radiation treatments. The treatment will be intense, take a severe toll upon his body and will likely keep him from working for eight months or longer.

He has already nearly depleted his sick bank at work and soon will be left without a full, weekly paycheck (and possibly, eventually no paycheck) during the holiday season.

My brother has served the public for nearly 21 years. He constantly puts his life in danger in the service of others. Now, his life is in danger again, but this time, we can help.

If you know him, work with him, if you are his friend, a family member, a citizen in the community he serves, if you are a peer police officer somewhere in this country, if you've ever been touched by his intelligent or heartfelt social media postings or if you simply support the Thin Blue Line, I'm very humbly asking you to donate to this GoFundMe page.

Donations will help ease the lack of income he will experience during his treatment, ensure that his bills continue to be paid and that his two childrens' lives won't be negatively impacted financially while their dad, and my brother, fights his battle against cancer. Not having to worry about financial issues will allow him to focus his power solely upon winning the fight he's in.

Thank you very much for your consideration and God bless.

It is against my beliefs to wish bad on anybody and I did not rejoice in LAPD Sgt. Joel Sydanmaa's malady. God brought Sgt. Joel Sydanmaa to his knees for his unethical, dishonorable and improper conduct that September day in 2015. And it is noteworthy that my brother, then LAPD Officer Frank J. Seviane, was shortly thereafter afflicted with a heart infection that also brought him to his knees. From the June 2017 Los Angeles Police Protective League Minutes of the Delegate's Meeting... "77th PIII Frank Seviane is in the hospital with a heart infection." It is as if God sent a powerful message to my brother Frank that he caused pain in my father's heart for his participation in the hastening of my father's death (i.e., his actions and failure to act) for which Frank was never held accountable by the LAPD due to the negligence of Captain Brian Thomas and numerous other sworn LAPD personnel.

Jacqueline Sebiane 


Ownership Statement: The written content of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane which is deemed and construed to be original is the sole and exclusive property of the author, Jacqueline Sebiane.  All right, title and interest in and to the intellectual property rights of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane shall vest solely in the author.  Any unauthorized use or duplication of the written content of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane, or any portion thereof, is expressly prohibited.  

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Lou Ferrigno aka "The Incredible Hulk" Is A Deputy Sheriff

Did you know that Lou Ferrigno famous for his role as the "The Incredible Hulk” is set to become a deputy sheriff in the state of New Mexico USA?
Socorro County Sheriff William Armijo is scheduled to deputize Ferrigno next week at a special ceremony.
Ferrigno brings decades of law enforcement experience to the department. He  has served as a reserve deputy sheriff in Los Angeles County, California USA and as a volunteer sheriff in Maricopa County, Arizona USA.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

DIRTY Laundry At The L.A County Sheriffs Office

Why do people wonder why the vast majority of the public is afraid of the police? The content of this video is telling and chilling. If you are at the wrong place at the wrong time, piss off the wrong person on the inside with a whistle blowers' complaint or a citizens' complaint, are in the path of a rogue officer or group of officers having a bad day or your racial composition puts a target on your back, your freedom and very life is in danger. My recently retired LAPD officer brother Frank J. Seviane (Serial #32809) put me in extreme harms way on numerous occasions with greed, hatred and revenge as the motives. And due to the privilege bestowed upon him as an LAPD officer, the LAPD never intervened to protect me even though I am a tax payer and citizen of Los Angeles, California USA. Instead the LAPD covered up for him and negligently allowed him to work as a peace officer despite his past personal and business relationship with federal prisoner Colin Nathanson of South Africa. 

When an officer is given the powers of arrest, independent authority, the misguided ASSUMPTION of honesty and integrity associated with the profession and free reign with deadly weapons, each member of the public's life is in jeopardy with each moment that a rogue officer wears a badge and is on duty. This is why George Floyd and numerous others are dead. This is also why there are mass miscarriages of justice of innocent people being locked up in jail and brazen criminals freely walking the streets to cause us harm. This subject matter requires immediate attention and deserves visibility worldwide. I am not against all police officers but I am for much needed police reform. Get rid of the bad cops and reward the good cops.

Thanks to my good friend Amkia Hazel for bringing to my attention to this video now posted for the world to see.

Jacqueline Sebiane 

Friday, August 7, 2020

When Hope Is The Destination

This song is right on point for the year 2020. This is the sentiment right now worldwide.

And so I cry sometimes when I'm lying in bed... 

Just to get it all out what's in my head... 
And I, I am feeling a little peculiar... 

And so I wake in the morning and I step outside...
And I take a deep breath and I get real high...
And I scream from the top of my lungs WHAT'S GOING ON?

Prayers of hope, perseverance and healing my beloved friends all over the world. Stay strong.

Jacqueline Sebiane

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

From The Lion Of Lebanon Samir Bannout

I am praying for Lebanon, it was almost another Hiroshima explosion in Beirut today almost the same date as the Hiroshima bomb 1945 in Japan ...The blast was massive indeed....Most up to date info is, it was an inappropriately stored explosive chemical - neglected for years by the administration... we will find out the details soon... may God help bring peace to our World... it’s badly needed these days!!🙏🙏

Love, peace and prayers for the motherland Samir.

Jacqueline Sebiane

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Love And Support For All My Hair Dresser Friends And Salon Owners


Is it reasonable to expect hair and nail professionals to be shut down for such a long period of time with little to no notice and until further notice? The economic impact to our friends, family and salon owners in this industry is catastrophic.

As people are we really being expected to halt grooming ourselves for such long periods of time and until further notice? Is it right to expect people to cut and/or color their own hair or get a hack job done in the hot sun in a filthy parking lot?... if that option is even available and doable at their regular salon of choice.

Our choices have been taken away from us and this situation is out of hand. More later on my feelings about the unreasonable rules and restrictions being forced on us.

Jacqueline Sebiane  

Monday, July 27, 2020

Women, Weights And Naysayers

Most people don't understand female bodybuilders. The first thing out of people's mouths when they see a muscular woman is "she looks like a man." To me that perspective is just another form of sexism. Whether you love just being fit or are, or aspire to be, a female bodybuilder, go for it. There are so many benefits to hitting the weights: 1) building mental and physical strength; 2) total body transformation (e.g., losing weight, building muscle, chiseling muscular definition, etc.); 3) strengthening bones and flexibility; 4) mastering self-discipline; 5) building and/or strengthening self-esteem; and 6) sharpening your skills by setting and achieving goals which carries over into other areas of your life. Working out also quells feelings of sadness. 

So if you are a female and you love the weights, hit the weights. Work it then own it. Silence the naysayers by being a bad ass bitch. Rock on sisters.

Jacqueline Sebiane

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Thinking Of LACoFD Firefighter/Paramedic David Agerbeek

I woke up today missing my long-time friend David Agerbeek; a firefighter and paramedic for the Los Angeles County Fire Department.

I use to have a thing for firefighters. I use to vacillate back and forth between cops and firemen; but not literally (joke!). I use to date so many firemen. You know you do date around when you’re exploring your love life and trying to figure out what you want and what makes you happy. Anyway,  I had a lot of visits to different fire stations and even went on calls on the Rescue Truck and different Engines. This was thrilling and scary as you never knew what to expect when you got to a call. 

I loved having a meal with the firefighters at Station 106 as well as rushing to a call on the Rescue Truck. Thanks to David Agerbeek for that and so many other memories. He might not think so but I do miss hanging out with him... all those meals we had together, shopping at Trader Joe's and Whole Foods, meeting up at the gym for years, going to church and the beach, hanging out at the condo, watching TV and listening to music together, etc. And so many in-person and phone conversations, and text messages. I liked being a source of comfort to him when he was on-duty and he called me several times a day from all these different fire stations. And all the advice he gave me when I was dating other firefighters.  In the end, I just could not handle all those personal and legal entanglements he was involved in so I had to cut it off. I do still love and miss him though. I miss the laughter. I miss his smile and his hugs. I miss the way he spoiled me.

Do you ever miss anyone?


Saturday, June 27, 2020

BMW Race Car Driver Bill Auberlen Is A One-Trick Pony

Posted by Bill Auberlen Racing on Wednesday, January 29, 2020

People say if I didn’t use my hands when I spoke nothing would come out. Watching this video I’m kind of afraid they are right. 😬

Here is a literal blast from of my past. Bill Auberlen being Bill Auberlen.

[ √ ] GOOD LOOKING        

[ √ ] CHARISMATIC             

[ √ ] SUCCESSFUL                     







[ √ ] ANGRY



Need I say more? C'est la vie. Au revoir to a damn good kisser and the magnetic attraction that was.

Ownership Statement: The written content of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane which is deemed and construed to be original is the sole and exclusive property of the author, Jacqueline Sebiane.  All right, title and interest in and to the intellectual property rights of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane shall vest solely in the author.  Any unauthorized use or duplication of the written content of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane, or any portion thereof, is expressly prohibited.  

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Pull The Switch And Be A Snitch

Just when you thought there was no more we could take in Los Angeles, California USA, now there is this. L.A. City Councilman Jose Huizar and a group of criminals posing as elected officials... (oh wait, they are actually elected officials) have been busted by the feds for engaging in corrupt acts for personal gain. I'd like to say I am surprised but I am not. I have witnessed, been the victim of, and heard of so much corruption that it has become second nature to me to be leery of people and analytical of situations. It is my passion to fight against corruption by reporting it and exposing it whenever possible. I love exposing liars by unraveling their lies. I love taking down con artists, thieves, murderers and other criminals; especially dirty cops and dirty politicians who are in a position of public trust. Why? It is because where there is corruption and crime, there are victims and I am a victims advocate. If you see something, say something. There is no such thing as a chronic reporter; there is only chronic corruption which is unacceptable. 

Thank you FBI Special Agent Voviette Morgan for your hard work in bringing down the house. You are a badass. Thank you FBI Las Vegas and FBI Los Angeles field office. Your service is greatly appreciated.

Jacqueline Sebiane

Ownership Statement: The written content of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane which is deemed and construed to be original is the sole and exclusive property of the author, Jacqueline Sebiane.  All right, title and interest in and to the intellectual property rights of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane shall vest solely in the author.  Any unauthorized use or duplication of the written content of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane, or any portion thereof, is expressly prohibited.  

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Culture Of Depravity At The LAPD

Hello worldwide audience. This is a Los Angeles Police Department Critical Incident Community Briefing released by the LAPD regarding a use of force incident that occurred in Boyle Heights, California USA on April 27, 2020. The incident in question is of 49 nine year old LAPD Officer Frank Hernandez of the Hollenbeck Community Police Station violently beating up civilian Richard Castillo repeatedly punching him in the head and body and improperly urging his partner to tase Mr. Castillo in an attempted act of retaliation for Mr. Castillo verbally challenging the officer. And all of this was done to Mr. Castillo even though he had complied with Officer Hernandez’ order to put his hands behind his back. I also noticed that there was a strategic call for "backup" even though Mr. Castillo, other than mouthing off, posed no threat. 

At first it appears that the LAPD was being transparent by releasing this Critical Incident Community Briefing which includes video footage from three different sources (i.e., the body cam of Officer Hernandez, the body cam of his partner and cell phone video footage of a civilian). However, the evidence in the civilian cell phone video footage is the catalyst in this matter that forced the LAPD to release this Critical Incident Community Briefing after that video footage was released into the public domain and the public descended on the LAPD. In a defensive tactic in an attempt to legally justify the beating, Officer Hernandez claimed, through his attorney, that Mr. Castillo had punched him in the chest but none of the video footage supports that claim. My guess is that Officer Hernandez was unaware that his convenient twist on the facts (a very common tactic used by dishonest police officers) would be quashed by a civilian video.

LAPD Officer Frank Hernandez is eerily similar to my recently retired LAPD brother. The similarities are uncanny… both named Frank, both 20 year veterans of the LAPD, both Hispanic, both exercising poor judgement, both strategically dishonest, both loose canons with explosive tempers, both vengeful and both freely using the badge and extreme profanity for intimidation. 

Something is very wrong at the LAPD. Has anything markedly changed since events like the Rodney King beating, the Rampart scandal and the ensuing Consent Decree? As the sister of an LAPD officer who had 20 years on the force I have witnessed and experienced some very ugly things and I have a lot to say about it. And apparently my sentiments about corruption in law enforcement are shared by the entire world. Something LAPD Sgt. Joel Sydanmaa ignorantly likes to call "a trend against the police."

And may final word is that I am in no way against the police; I am against wrongdoing and corruption.

Ownership Statement: The written content of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane which is deemed and construed to be original is the sole and exclusive property of the author, Jacqueline Sebiane.  All right, title and interest in and to the intellectual property rights of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane shall vest solely in the author.  Any unauthorized use or duplication of the written content of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane, or any portion thereof, is expressly prohibited.  

Monday, June 8, 2020

LAPD Commander Cory Palka Taking A Knee In Solidarity

RELATED POSTING: https://jacqibone.blogspot.com/2019/06/elder-abuse-alert-lisbeth-liz-sebiane.html  

Thank you Commander Cory Palka for demonstratively taking a knee on Sunset Boulevard to show the world that not all police officers are bad and that they too are moved and affected by the actions of bad cops. Your bargaining techniques in this situation were quite effective. My LAPD Police Officer brother (Serial # 32809) worked under your command at 77th. One day I'd like to sit with you and explain how the failure of the LAPD's command staff to address my brother's repeated misconduct affected my family's life and contributed to the hastening of my father's death. I invite you to read my many postings on this blog about this issue. And I also invite you to examine the methodically falsified document I received from your then successor at 77th Pete Zarcone to cover up not only for my LAPD brother but also for my former love interest Detective Gerald "Jerry" Gibson. These types of issues (i.e., complacency, cover-ups, special privileges, etc.) which can and do result in the loss of innocent life are what are enraging the public in regards to the police. 

My beloved father, my hero, died under suspicious circumstances Commander Palka because of the repeated failure of the LAPD to act, the falsification of information in the LAPD's database and the special privileges gratuitously given to my LAPD brother. Bend your knee for my dead father Commander Palka and pass the baton to your cohorts after you read this posting. The evidence is in my possession and awaiting collection.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

#I Can't Breathe

The other day as I was driving I heard loud sirens and saw several Fire Engines driving straight towards me. I immediately yielded and pulled to the shoulder of the road but was quite shocked to see many other drivers speed past me in the direction of the emergency vehicles in a blatant violation of the law and in a total disregard for the emergency at hand. Suddenly, for what appeared to be no reason, tears welled up in my eyes. My emotions that were bottled up surfaced. Everywhere you turn there is chaos and sentiments or acts of hatred; from people verbally attacking the Office of the President of the United States of America, to politicians whose job it is to lead our country tearing each other apart, to incessant hate speech, to violent inhumane acts, to continued inequality, injustice and oppression. The world is experiencing a category IV hurricane with intense tornadoes of destruction spinning everywhere in a powerful vortex.

As I tried to make sense the of the emergence, effects and forced changes of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the shear evil personified in the horrific video footage of the death of George Floyd, I realized that God is still doing His work. God has touched the core of our beings to bring heightened awareness to the current state of the world by using hardcore situations and people as sacrificial lambs for instruments of change.

With every new season comes change and we are in a new season. The reaction of the masses to the death of George Floyd is not by happenstance. The unification of all races seen in the diversity of the protestors coming together to combat injustice is just a piece in God’s puzzle to abolish hatred. God is pure love and pure peace and the world has derailed from the essence of God. 

As you go about your day, remember to be an instrument of love and peace. Treat others as you desire to be treated. If you are angry, be angry, but don't displace your anger onto people who did nothing to cause the circumstances that have made you angry. If you want change, use your time, energy and resources constructively to effectuate a change.

I continue to pray for the souls of the those citizens, especially African Americans, whose lives were cut short in unjust, deadly use of force incidents. I continue to pray for the souls of those police officers whose lives were lost in the line of duty. I continue to pray for the safety of our hardworking police officers who risk their lives everyday to protect and serve the public. And I continue to pray for reform, accountability and equal justice in law enforcement.

Jacqueline Sebiane

Ownership Statement: The written content of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane which is deemed and construed to be original is the sole and exclusive property of the author, Jacqueline Sebiane.  All right, title and interest in and to the intellectual property rights of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane shall vest solely in the author.  Any unauthorized use or duplication of the written content of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane, or any portion thereof, is expressly prohibited.  

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Two New York Police Officers Charged For Assaulting 75 Year Old Protester

By Aaron Katersky, Matt Foster and Christina Carrega of ABC NEWS

June 6, 2020 9:31 AM                                                                                                       

Two Buffalo, New York police officers are now facing criminal charges in connection with the graphic caught-on-video shove of a 75-year-old man during a protest, prosecutors said.

Officers Aaron Torgalski and Robert McCabe were charged with second-degree assault during their video arraignments on Saturday and were released on their own recognizance. They both entered not guilty pleas and are expected back in court on July 20.

The Thursday protest at Niagara Square had less than 20 demonstrators and several members of Buffalo Police Department's Emergency Response Team, officials said.

Left, Robert McCabe, 32, and Aaron Torgalski, 39, officers with the Buffalo Police Department were charged with second-degree assault after he was seen on video shoving a 75-year-old protester to the ground. * ERIC COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE

One of the protesters, Martin Gugino was seen on video walking in the direction of the crowd of uniformed officers when Torgalski and McCabe are accused of shoved him.

Gugino fell flat onto his back and bumped the back of his head on the concrete, video shows. The sound of the man's head hitting the ground silenced the crowd, according to the video.

A trail of blood can be seen seeping from the head of the motionless man as several officers walked by him.

"Mr. Gugino has been a longtime peaceful protester, human rights advocate, and overall fan of the U.S. Constitution for many years. At this time, Mr. Gugino is in serious but stable condition. He is alert and oriented," said Kelly V. Zarcone, Gugino's attorney, in a statement.

Another officer, possibly a National Guard member, who went to aid the bleeding man was pushed by fellow officers, the video shows.

Governor Andrew Cuomo said at a press conference on Saturday that the video was “horrendous, disgusting” and said he believed it to be illegal. "A bad police officer is an enemy of every good police officer," Cuomo said.

The spokesperson for the city and police department, Mike DeGeorge, initially said in a statement that the man "tripped and fell."

"Once the department became aware of additional video from the scene, they immediately opened an investigation," DeGeorge told ABC News on Thursday.

Both officers were suspended and the Erie County District Attorney John Flynn launched an investigation.

The police union opposed the suspensions and in response 57 officers on the emergency team resigned from their positions, but will remain on the force.

Source: ABC News.