

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

DIRTY Secrets: The Kim Kardashian Facade

Kim Kardashian.  The former Paris Hilton side-kick and self-described “princess.”  Famous for what?  Packing on the make-up, constantly playing dress up and using social media to post pictures of herself everywhere.

Did you know who she was before the media started highlighting her so-called sex tape scandal of 2007?  Let me tell you about the whole sex tape approach to becoming famous.  I have experience with this as I was there working in the inner circle of a very famous sex tape scandal; that of Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee.  Think about what sells; sex and scandal.  So if you allege that you innocently (yeah right) made a private sex tape with your lover and then some villain stole it and released it in the public domain without your consent, it sounds more salacious then if you just openly sold the sex tape in commerce.  This approach creates a scandal when fueled by the media thereby stimulating curiosity and demand as the public is duped into thinking they just have to buy this hot ticket item that they shouldn’t be seeing.  Believe me when I tell you that the release of sex tapes is usually very deliberate by those appearing in the tape.

Kim is pedaling a contrived image of beauty and perfection that is a facade.  Her fake eyelashes, hair extensions and lip injections are fairly obvious as are her other surgical enhancements to her face and otherwise.  Most every time you see her (on TV or in pictures), she’s had her hair and make-up professionally done and is wearing expensive, designer clothes and jewelry.  She is constantly boasting about the brand names she’s wearing and how much they cost.  No one is physically perfect so it is quite bizarre when someone is misrepresenting themselves to be so in the public eye.

Kim is not a “princess” but rather portrays herself to be a self-absorbed, materialistic person.  There are real princesses in the world who come from or marry into royal lineages.  Nor is Kim a “marketing genius” as the media is constantly describing her.  I have been around wealthy, famous people for much of my life.  When you have a talent or a gimmick that the public is taking an interest in, entrepreneurs and business professionals will step in with their expertise to generate revenue that they too can cash in on.

Many talented people endorse products.  That is a logical progression in the business world.  When I worked for Speedo, we entered into a business deal with swimmer Michael Phelps to endorse Speedo products.  We did this based on his status as an elite athlete due to his Olympic success.  Kim has no outstanding talent worthy of selling products yet she is attaching her name to a lot of products.  Remember the recent debit card scandal where her and her sisters where endorsing a prepaid MasterCard debit card.  The Kardashian Kard imposed predatory fees and was believed to target a young teen demographic in evoking the extravagance showcased by the Kardashian’s on their TV show.  Thank goodness they were shut down by the bad press generated by Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal’s investigation.

Kim Kardashian is selling a misrepresentation of a fantasy life comprised of opulence and perfection.  The problem is that the image she is selling is a mirage and NOT reality.  Think about the hype surrounding her recent wedding and how it all ended just 72 days later.  I believe that wedding was manufactured for Kim and others to line their pockets with millions of dollars of other people’s money.  And it was all timed to closely align with the launch of the Kardashian line of clothes at Sears, the release of her mother Kris Jenner’s book and the upcoming premiere of her new reality TV show on E!  Doesn't all of that appear to be some form of fraud? 

I think people are tired of seeing Kim Kardashian everywhere all of the time and being paid millions of dollars to do nothing.  People should smarten up and start investing their time, money and attention on more important people and things that will benefit our world as a whole.  We just experienced the worst recession in history and I think it is extremely disrespectful for anyone to be flaunting wealth in such a flagrant manner when people around the world are suffering.

Ownership Statement: The written content of DIRTY Secrets which is deemed and construed to be original is the sole and exclusive property of the author, Jacqueline Sebiane.  All right, title and interest in and to the intellectual property rights of DIRTY Secrets shall vest solely in the author.  Any unauthorized use or duplication of the written content of DIRTY Secrets, or any portion thereof, is expressly prohibited. 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

My Past And El Segundo Firefighter Clayton Holt

Have you ever thought about how the way you were raised has affected your life?  If you experienced emotional, verbal, physical and/or sexual abuse growing up and have not taken any steps to acknowledge or address your trauma, it is affecting your life in some significant way.  If your parents were neglectful or controlling, it has affected you.  If there was infidelity in your home, you will most likely have trust issues.  If one or both of your parents voluntarily or involuntarily abandoned you, you will undoubtedly have a fear of abandonment.  If someone chipped away at your spirit, your insecurities have manifested in some way.  Pay attention to how you engage with others and their reactions to how you treat them.  In most instances, it's like holding a mirror up to yourself.

I was raised in a very dysfunctional home.  It has caused me to be distrustful of men.  My looks and sex appeal have always attracted a lot of men yet I consistently find myself sabotaging my relationships.  As soon as I realize a man is totally into me, I immediately put up this protective wall which confuses the hell out of them.  Or I will do something outrageous that makes them never want to talk to me again.  Undoing the damage from your upbringing is almost impossible but it is important to take steps towards healing so you can break that ugly cycle and move towards a better life.

I was crazy about El Segundo Firefighter Clayton Holt. What a strong, sexy man.  You can see in his email below how confused he was about me because of the way I treated him. 

Subject:  No Title Necessary
Date:       08/20/XX 7:48:44 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From:      HoltInLA@xxxxx.com
To:          Jacqibone@xxxxx.com


What are you really hoping to accomplish with me?  A lasting relationship.  A meaningless tryst.  A deep friendship.  A partner in the sack.  Your behavior towards me was, is and continues to be ambiguous.... Let's think about this for a second.  You have been sweet, jealous, xxxxxxxxxxx, coy, coquettish, overzealous, and downright mean.  So who are you?.... x xx xxxxxxxx xx xxxxx xxx xxx x xxxxxxxxxx.  Yes, physically there is a lot there.  UNDENIABLE!!!! And I am one of the MOST physical people you will ever meet.  SO WHAT DO YOU WANT?


Ownership Statement: The written content of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane which is deemed and construed to be original is the sole and exclusive property of the author, Jacqueline Sebiane.  All right, title and interest in and to the intellectual property rights of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane shall vest solely in the author.  Any unauthorized use or duplication of the written content of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane, or any portion thereof, is expressly prohibited.  

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Patrick Knapp, Arnold Schwarzenegger's Nephew and Attorney

This posting is directed to Arnold Schwarzenegger's nephew, Patrick Knapp.

Patrick, I'm sure by now you know about and are reading my blog; especially since you still work for Jake Bloom and are your uncle's transactional attorney.

I've always liked you so I want you to know that every man that is on my blog, including your uncle, and that will be written about in my upcoming autobiography has been given the opportunity to speak their piece with me. I am very fair and I feel that if you say something about someone, they should be given the opportunity to respond. 

You and I go back a long way. We both received our undergraduate degrees from UCLA and you were fresh out of law school when we started working together at Bloom, Dekom, et. al. You hadn't even passed the bar yet. The first time I'd ever even heard of you was while working on a poster deal for Arnold. I believe you were vacationing in Austria or Germany after finishing law school. You had put together a deal point grid as an intern that I could not understand. I remember asking Steven Brookman "who is this Patrick Knapp person" and he said "Sshh! That's Arnold's nephew." It was hilarious. I also remember you borrowing $5 from me one day to buy food off a catering truck. I thought it was so funny that we worked on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills and you were buying food off a catering truck. I remember asking you "Why are you borrowing money from me? Isn't your uncle a millionaire?" And you laughed. You did pay me back a week later so I always trusted you after that. I also appreciated that after I left the firm, you and I never spoke about anything when we saw each other at World Gym. 

You are such a humble person. You chose to make your own way in the world and not ride on the fame of the Schwarzenegger name even though your father was a Schwarzenegger. I hope the dark side of Hollywood hasn't changed you. 

Readers also see this up-to-date posting about Patrick Knapp Schwarzenegger's debut on the New Celebrity Apprentice 2017 with his uncle as Donald Trump's successor:


Ownership Statement: The written content of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane which is deemed and construed to be original is the sole and exclusive property of the author, Jacqueline Sebiane.  All right, title and interest in and to the intellectual property rights of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane shall vest solely in the author.  Any unauthorized use or duplication of the written content of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane, or any portion thereof, is expressly prohibited.