

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Pull The Switch And Be A Snitch

Just when you thought there was no more we could take in Los Angeles, California USA, now there is this. L.A. City Councilman Jose Huizar and a group of criminals posing as elected officials... (oh wait, they are actually elected officials) have been busted by the feds for engaging in corrupt acts for personal gain. I'd like to say I am surprised but I am not. I have witnessed, been the victim of, and heard of so much corruption that it has become second nature to me to be leery of people and analytical of situations. It is my passion to fight against corruption by reporting it and exposing it whenever possible. I love exposing liars by unraveling their lies. I love taking down con artists, thieves, murderers and other criminals; especially dirty cops and dirty politicians who are in a position of public trust. Why? It is because where there is corruption and crime, there are victims and I am a victims advocate. If you see something, say something. There is no such thing as a chronic reporter; there is only chronic corruption which is unacceptable. 

Thank you FBI Special Agent Voviette Morgan for your hard work in bringing down the house. You are a badass. Thank you FBI Las Vegas and FBI Los Angeles field office. Your service is greatly appreciated.

Jacqueline Sebiane

Ownership Statement: The written content of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane which is deemed and construed to be original is the sole and exclusive property of the author, Jacqueline Sebiane.  All right, title and interest in and to the intellectual property rights of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane shall vest solely in the author.  Any unauthorized use or duplication of the written content of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane, or any portion thereof, is expressly prohibited.