

Monday, November 23, 2020

Evidence For The LAPD Directly From LAPD Sgt. Joel Sydanmaa's Social Media


Once again after seeing a large volume of traffic to a blog posting I published about LAPD Sergeant Joel Sydanmaa  https://jacqibone.blogspot.com/2016/07/lapd-sergeant-joel-sydanmaa-on-job.html [including a related posting https://jacqibone.blogspot.com/2020/09/i-believe-in-karma-lapd-sgt-joel.htmlI learned that the LAPD is finally starting to pay attention to certain information I have relentlessly been trying to get the LAPD to take action on. Some of my strongest personality traits are honesty, integrity, strength and courage to fight against things that are not right; including police misconduct.

Above is a photo (i.e., photographic evidence) of LAPD Sergeant Joel Sydanmaa that he posted to his social media in or about the date of June 25, 2016 obviously misusing his position as an LAPD officer for his own personal aggrandizement. The image of him in the photo might be impressive if he were a Cirque du Soleil performer but he is not. He is being paid very handsomely to protect and serve. The question remains whether or not he was on duty when he had this photo taken and who was behind the camera taking the photo. Was it a fellow LAPD officer also on duty collaboratively violating relevant policies of the LAPD Department Manual and misappropriating city time on tax payer dollars? Or did LAPD Sgt. Joel Sydanmaa misuse the uniform of the LAPD on his personal time?  I have, on a firsthand basis, witnessed the misconduct and dereliction of duty of LAPD Sgt. Joel Sydanmaa who, in my opinion, needs to turn in his badge. We are not stuck with him as he so arrogantly states in his social media posting of July 12, 2016. His dereliction of duty in September of 2015 ultimately contributed to the hastening of my father's death. I am awaiting the LAPD to contact me on that matter for which I will give testimony as against Sydanmaa in prospective administrative and legal proceedings; including the lawsuit Sydanmaa has recently filed against the LAPD on November 16, 2020 for disciplinary action taken against him for improper social media posts. 


And this may or may not be a bombshell to the commanding staff at the LAPD. On July 15, 2016, I submitted this photographic evidence of Sydanmaa to Captain Brian Thomas and informed him that Sydanmaa was publishing inappropriate social media postings. My email to Captain Thomas reads, in pertinent part, "Second, I would like to bring Sgt. Joel Sydanma’s social media postings to the attention of the LAPD; some of which are in violation of the LAPD’s policies as delineated in the Department Manual and many of which may have a negative effect on the already volatile community relations. I wrote about one of Sydanmaa's postings on my blog being viewed globally: http://jacqibone.blogspot.com/2016/07/lapd-sergeant-joel-sydanmaa-on-job.html. I have also attached an inappropriate photo Sgt. Sydanmaa posted on social media in violation of the Department Manual's policy regarding use of the LAPD’s uniform."

LAPD Sgt. Joel Sydanmaa underestimated my intelligence in his interactions with me when he grossly violated my rights and those of my father who is now a decedent as a consequence of Sydanmaa's willful dereliction of duty. Civilian "detective style" investigator Jacqueline Sebiane on the case.  

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Taking Care Of Our Parents And The Elderly

This is a sweet reminder from the beautiful Rachel McLish to be strong for the weak; especially our parents and the elderly who get progressively more fragile with time.

I come from a very broken, dysfunctional family. I don’t mind sharing my story if it helps people in the same or similar situation. Out of numerous adults, I am the only one who selflessly takes care of my elderly mother who has significant mobility and health issues. I have made many personal sacrifices to do this and it is not a glamourous job but I do it with great honor. And just like the superhero vigilante crime fighter Superman, I have taken many bullets to the chest, metaphorically speaking, and used my superpowers to protect my mother; including her assets that were aggressively illegally pursued prior to and upon my father’s untimely death. And most of those bullets came from unsavory, downtrodden family members with ulterior motives of jealousy, hatred, greed and revenge.

So, if you are blessed enough to have an elder in your life (i.e., father, mother, paternal or maternal grandparents or great grandparents), please do what you can to take care of them and help them. They need you in more ways that you can imagine.

Jacqueline Sebiane

Saturday, November 14, 2020






Saturday, November 7, 2020

Body Of Work

If you just want a better body or want to become a professional bodybuilder or better professional bodybuilder, you can truly be motivated by my exceptional friend Samir Bannout. His body of work speaks for itself.

√  Self-Confidence
√  Strong Mental Focus 
√  Lean Muscle Mass
√  Definition
√  Striations
√  Vascularity

Jacqueline Sebiane   

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Love And Support For The Men And Women Of Law Enforcement

Let us not forget the critical role that law enforcement plays in keeping us all safe and secure. Let us not stereotype all cops but rather work for the common good of all which starts with honor and respect for each individual police officer who makes so many personal sacrifices to protect and serve. Sending out positive vibes to the Torrance Police Department and all law enforcement agencies doing the best they can with the resources available in very trying times; including the overwhelming anti-police sentiments currently prevalent in society. As the sister and victim of a rogue LAPD officer, I know both sides of this coin yet I believe in the greater good of humanity. We will get through this and we will persevere.

Jacqueline Sebiane

Here's To My Bodybuilder Family And The Irreplaceable Times In Venice, CA USA


Thanks for sharing this photo Tonya. And you know I love you Lee!