

Friday, February 19, 2021

Bad News U.S. Senator Ted Cruz

And so the news has broken that United States Senator Raphael Edward "Ted" Cruz jumped ship on the State of Texas that he represents to save himself and his family from the dangers, discomfort and chaos, especially the widespread power outage, caused by a severe winter storm. On 2-14-2021 Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced that the White House had issued a Federal Emergency Declaration for Texas in response to the severe winter weather throughout the state but Ted Cruz didn't care about the people. He only cared about his well being and that of his family. So he flew to Cancun Mexico in the wake of the storm. Then when he got caught and publicly confronted he used his daughters as pawns in a manufactured cock and bull story in a weak attempt to protect his public image. Unfortunately this is just another story of a dishonest, self-serving, untrustworthy, hypocritical career politician stone cold busted in an act contradictory to the obligations of the position for which he/she was elected. So many politicians spew false promises during the election process then when they get into office they misuse the position that we the people put them in to elevate their own life and career. There needs to be a legal accountability and removal process for lying ass politicians. Dishonesty and corruption always has and always will  bother me.