Has any person or group of
persons with ulterior motives ever tried to set you up or spin an untrue story about
you to obtain something of value that is rightfully and legally yours or as a
preemptive action to cover-up improper, immoral, unethical or illegal activity
on their part? Has anyone ever assassinated your character to discredit you
because you knew a fact or series of facts about them that was not convenient
for them for you to know or tell about? Have you ever been the victim of any
person or group of persons targeting you for jealously, hatred, greed or
These types of situations are
more prevalent than one would imagine. So I encourage you to speak your truth
from your perspective. Don’t ever let anyone tell you about you. Most
importantly, don’t EVER let anyone, especially those with ulterior motives, tell
others about you. No one knows you better than you. And no one but you has ever
walked in your shoes. Your life experiences (including those imposed on you by others), and how you were positively or
negatively affected by those experiences, are unique to you. You have the right, responsibility
and privilege of telling your own story regardless of whether or
not it is convenient for others if you tell it.
If you know me, know of me or are a regular reader of my various writings, you know that I have an estranged brother who is a Los Angeles Police Officer (Serial #32809) and a former love interest, Detective Jerry Gibson (Serial #32645), also of the Los Angeles Police Department. Both of them work out of the LAPD's 77th Community Station where a lot of questionable things happen; including the 2012 in-custody death of Vachel Howard (who suffered from Schizophrenia) which cost the City of Los Angeles $2.85 million dollars and the most recent incident of Detective Mike Johnson shooting an unarmed homeless veteran on skid row at approximately 3:30 AM while off duty. Unfortunately, my estranged brother's egregious actions, reckless life decisions and lack of moral character have severely impacted my life because he has unwantedly attached himself to my life. For better or worse, he is a part of my story as is Detective Jerry Gibson. And just as I am encouraging you, readers, I intend on telling my own
story. More to come…
Jacqueline Sebiane
Ownership Statement: The written content of
The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane which is deemed and construed to be original is
the sole and exclusive property of the author, Jacqueline Sebiane. All
right, title and interest in and to the intellectual property rights
of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane shall vest solely in the
author. Any unauthorized use or duplication of the written content
of The Blog by Jacqueline Sebiane, or any portion thereof, is expressly