Crime in general, and crime in Los Angeles County in particular, is on the rise. Brazen criminals are committing crimes more frequently, in broad daylight, on video and in front of witnesses. There seems to be no effective deterrent to stop or slow down this illegal activity.
This video footage of a crime of opportunity against a poor elderly man is quite disturbing on so many levels. The fact that someone would strike and rob an elderly person is horrific. Abuse and exploitation of the elderly hits a nerve with me as it was done in my family to both of my parents by an estranged family member Lisbeth "Liz" Sebiane. One of my parents, my beloved father Efrain, is no longer alive because of it. To date, Liz remains at large hiding in plain site with no accountability for her crime spree against my parents. However, just like the good Samaritan Tim Ratcliff who captured the perpetrator in this video and held him down until the police arrived, I, too, will relentlessly subdue Liz until the police arrive.
Thank you to Tim Ratcliff for his act of heroism this day in standing up for a helpless elderly man. Unbelievable that the District Attorney in this case claimed in Court that he lost the perpetrator.
Jacqueline Sebiane