I use to date this really affectionate guy, Christian Evans. He was a jewelry designer who hailed from Arizona. I had no idea at the time that he would later marry and divorce actress and former talk show host Ricki Lake and sadly commit suicide some years later in February of 2017. I have always had this connection to fame through my personal life and career in entertainment. And I have always had a connection to, and deep understanding of, people in pain. Even though we stayed connected for a long time, I never allowed my relationship with Christian to flourish and we eventually lost touch. When I started writing my autobiography I looked for Christian and that is how I found out he had married Ricki Lake. Every time I hear about Ricki Lake now, I think of my intimate relationship with Christian Evans and his sad, tragic death. Here is a personal, painful story from Ricki Lake that I am posting in the hope that it can help others with similar issues.