

Friday, March 29, 2019

UCLA, Anti-Bullying And The Los Angeles Police Department

I am a proud UCLA alumnus. At a very young age I worked methodically and super hard to earn that esteemed degree. I made all the grades in High School, earned a high GPA, excelled on the SAT and met all the exclusionary entrance criteria beating out a large pool of qualified applicants for a coveted spot as a student at the university at the age of just 17 years old. I jumped every hurdle and faced every challenge with bravery. I met every requirement, conquered the rigorous curriculum, passed every exam and with perseverance proudly graduated from UCLA. And all throughout my collegiate journey was my loving late father Efrain supporting me emotionally and financially. Ironically, my estranged brother, LAPD Officer Frank Jerry Seviane (Serial #32809) who never pursued or obtained an education nor achieved a college degree, loves to hate on me and call me stupid. For many, many years I have had to endure relentless, unwarranted and illegal attacks by this individual rooted in hatred and jealousy while the commanding staff of the Los Angeles Police Department not only remained complicit but also covered up for him at my expense. So, in the spirit of anti-bullying, I am sharing my story so that others who have been the victims of mistreatment or who have been impacted by the crime of bullying have the courage to speak out. 

This article goes out to that malicious bully, LAPD Officer Frank Jerry Seviane (Serial #32809), apparently employed by the Los Angeles Police Department under the policy of Affirmative Action, so he clearly understands that anyone who graduated from UCLA is the antithesis of "stupid"...

raduate schools and programs at UCLA have once again been cited for excellence with six having been named among the top 5 in the country by U.S. News and World Report. Another five are among the top 10.
The rankings, released online today, will be published in the Best Graduate Schools 2020 guidebook, scheduled to hit newsstands this spring.
The graduate program rankings are based on experts’ opinions about program excellence and on statistical indicators that measure the quality of a school’s faculty, research and students. Surveys of more than 2,000 graduate programs and more than 22,000 academics and professionals in the disciplines were conducted in fall 2018 and early 2019.
This list includes the most recent U.S. News rankings for various UCLA graduate programs, some of which are not reviewed each year:
No. 13 (tied) among social work programs and No. 14 (tied) among public affairs schools 
Many other UCLA graduate programs housed in the UCLA College also fared well, including:
Psychology (No. 3, tied)
English (No. 6, tied)
Math (No. 7, tied)
Sociology (No. 8, tied)
History (No. 9, tied)
Political science (No. 12, tied)
Economics (No. 12, tied)
Earth sciences (No. 13, tied)
Chemistry (No. 15, tied)
Physics (No. 17, tied)
Biological sciences (No. 18, tied)
This is just the latest recognition for UCLA, which consistently performs well in a broad range of rankings. Last fall, UCLA was named the No. 1 U.S. public university in both the U.S. News Best Colleges ranking and Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education survey. In addition, UCLA was ranked the No. 1 college for transfer students by Money. UCLA was also named the No. 2 U.S public universities (No. 17 overall) by U.S. News in its 2019 World University Rankings and No. 3 American public university (No. 13 overall) in its Best Global Universities ranking.