While heading back from Virginia to NYC I received the news that my best friend Niki passed away. He was like a brother to me. Now here in my hotel room staring out of the window for hours feeling his spirit. A brother, hero, legend and someone who inspired me in life that let nobody or nothing stop him. A true warrior who literally kept fighting till his last breath.
Looking at our pictures from 7 years ago I remember how he envisioned the future and how we philosophized for hours. Never expecting that cancer would hit such a good hearted, healthy and wholesome hero like Niki. It makes you think: “why him, and not me?”.
Last month Niki and I talked about how fragile life is. The thought of “growing old” is not something we can rely on. Life is fragile, precious and unpredictable and each day is a gift, not a given right.
Niki was 31 and didn’t want to go. He loved and lived life to the fullest. And he wanted to survive no matter what. But it was soon out of his hands when the cancer kept coming back aggressively.
Cancer is not something that should be treated like a taboo topic. We can’t take anything for granted and we should not worry about the small, meaningless stresses in life and try to remember that we all have the same fate after it all. So do what you can to make your time feel worthy and great, minus the fake and bullsh*t.
So in closing, think twice before you are complaining because your boobs are too small, cellulite is too much for you or your new fake nails might have got a chip. Realize deeply how lucky we are to be able to be alive today. And realize what life is. Go outside, breath in the fresh air and think how lucky we are to be here. We only have one. Make it worthy. Spread love. Stop hate. And live joyfully.
In honor of my friend Niki me and my team will dedicate all profits this month and next month MeesterPT and Caffè Meester to the Dutch Cancer Society. KWF Kankerbestrijding / Dutch Cancer Society
Rest in peace bro.
See you up there one day.