

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Fill Your Life With Joy Not Despair

I am sure you’ve heard the saying “just get over it.” This is an ineffective way to deal with an issue, event or person’s behavior toward you that has negatively impacted you. As human beings we have emotions and the things that happen to us in our lives affect us. Pretending that something that affected you did not is only pushing that experience and associated emotion deep into your subconscious mind and it will inevitably surface in your behavior or self-destructive choices. People process their pain through many channels like anger, isolation, over eating, drugs, alcohol, sexual promiscuity, excessive spending, etc.

So if something is bothering you, don’t ignore it. Make sure to let it out by talking about it with someone willing to listen in non-judgment or writing about it in a journal. I have been writing in a journal since my early 20s. Let it out for as long as it takes, then move on and focus on your blessings. You deserve to live a life filled with joy not despair.

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